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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does this symbol stand for on a map?
food, a place where you can buy food
What does this symbol stand for on a map?
art museum
What does this symbol stand for on a map?
ice cream shop
What does this map not show that is usually on a city map?
police station, library, clothes store, bakery, hospital.
What is another word for grocery store?
Where is the library?
It is on Park Street.
Where is the fire station?
It is on Center Street.
What activities does your city center have?
Do you think this is a public or private swimming pool?
It is most-likely a public swimming pool. (It is available to everyone.)
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
.... various (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, chocolate chip, etc etc)
What things can you do in Greenville Square?
How are trails the same, how are they different from roads?
They are paths that take you places. Cars do not go on trails. Only people, sometimes horses, bikes, motorcycles.
How are hills different from mountains?
They are not as high as mountains.
What body of water is shown on the map?
It is a lake.
What ride do you see on the map?
It is a ferris wheel.
What is a petting zoo?
A zoo where you can interact, touch and feed the animals.
From ENTER, how do you get to the bathrooms?
Go north (go straight), and turn east (turn to the right).
What symbols do you see in the map key?
lake, table, hills, bathrooms, trail
What is this used for?
It tells directions on a map - north, south, east, west
What is this called?
It is a compass rose.