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B4 general review
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 parts of the house and 1 thing you can find in each.
garage - car, yard - barbecue, living room - sofa, dining room - table, bedroom - bed, bathroom - toilet, kitchen - stove, ....
How do you spell the place in the yard that you can swim
You can have a barbecue in the ____ .
You can sleep in your _____ .
Where can you find a SINK?
In the bathroom or in the kitchen.
Name 5 actions you can do in the house.
Play, sleep, cook, eat, take a shower, get dressed, drink water, watch tv, wash my hands, wash my face....
On the stove you ____ on the oven you ______
cook, bake.
Say 3 actions you can do in the KITCHEN.
Cook, bake, eat, drink...
In the swimming pool you can _____ and ____.
swim, play
You _______ television in a _______/_______
Watch. Living Room/Bedroom.
What do you do in a living room?
Watch TV, gather with friends or family, read a book, etc.