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Y3 Review of Sunburn, Dehydration and Clothes

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do these images represent? Which ones are good to AVOID sunburn or dehydration?
5 - stay under an umbrella 6 - use lip balm 7 - use heavy clothes 8 - get too much sun. 6 and 7 are good to avoid sunburn or dehydration.
What do these images represent? Which ones are GOOD things to AVOID sunburn?
1 - eat heavy food 2 - spread/use sunblock 3 - eat fruit 4 - drink water. 2,3 and 4 are good to AVOID sunburn.
What situation is this? What type of clothes can you wear in it?
This is a movie there. You can wear pants, t-shirts, jackets and shoes.
What are these?
These are sunglasses.
What is this?
This is a suit.
What is this?
This is a jacket.
What are these?
These are sandals.
What is this?
This is a raincoat.
What are these?
These are pants (jeans type)
What is this?
This is a long skirt.
What is this?
This is a gown (dress).
What situation is this and what is the girl wearing?
This is a rainy day. The girl is wearing a raincoat, pants, boots and an umbrella.
What is this place and what are they wearing?
This is a beach. They are wearing swimsuits (bathing suits)
What is this situation and what can you wear in it?
This is a wedding. You can wear a suit and a Gown (dress).
What are these?
These are boots.
What is this?
This is a T-shirt.
Complete the song: We are going to the (1) ______ and we'll have a lot of (2) fun, but be careful with your (3) ____ , so don't get too much (4) _____
1 - beach 2 - fun 3 - skin 4 - sun
How you call it when your body loses too much fluid (water?)
How you call an inflammation of the skin caused by exposure to SUNLIGHT?