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7 Continents Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What Animal is this and in which pole does it live in?
This is a Polar Bear. It lives in the North Pole.
In which Pole does the Arctic Fox live, north or south?
North Pole
In which continent do Penguins live?
Penguins live in Antarctica.
What is the smallest continent in the world?
Australia is the smallest continent.
What is the biggest continent in the world?
Asia is the biggest continent.
How many stars are there on the American Flag?
There are 50 stars on the American Flag.
What are the color of the American Flag?
The colors of the American Flag are Navy Blue, Red and White.
What are the colors the Brazilian Flag?
The colors of the Brazilian Flag are Green, Yellow, Blue and White.
In which continent is USA located?
USA is located in North America.
In which continent is Brazil located?
Brazil is located in South America.
What is the name of our planet?
Planet Earth
Which continent is in color Blue?
Which continent is in color Orange?
Which continent is in color Red?
Which continent is in color Yellow?
Which continent is in color Dark Green?
South America
Which continent is in color Light Green?
North America