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Education in Two Cultures

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Japanese students even go to school on _______________.
How many days a year do Japanese students go to school?
(T/F) Japanese students have extracurricular activities.
Japanese students go to _________ schools to prepare for University.
In Japan, the teacher lectures and the students _________ and take notes.
In Japan, there is a high level of _____________ for the teachers.
How many days a year do students go to school in the USA?
What extracurricular activities do schools in the USA offer?
after school clubs/sports
__________________ is very important to USA education.
student participation
What do teachers encourage the students to do in the USA?
to raise their hands/ask questions/make comments
What does education reflect?
It reflects our values.
Why do we pass along our cultures?
To give it to the next generation.
(T/F) Language, celebrations, clothing food, and education are reflects a groups culture.
The Culture of a group of people consists of their _______________.
knowledge, beliefs, behaviors