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Cleaning up
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't have to _________ my room
mop up
I have to ______ today
clean up
I have to mop up my room.
True! / False!
I got to _________ the floor
sweep up
I got to _________ windows
wipe up
We have to _________ the clothes to dry
hang up
My bed's all messy. What do I have to do?
Make your bed!
I have to clean my computer. Do I need paper, a sponge or a rag?
a rag!
Is this room clean?
No, it's a mess!
What's this?
a mop!
I got to do the dishes. I need...
dish soap!
Is this a rag?
No, it's a sponge!
What do you have to do?
I have to do the laundry!
What can you do with this?
Sweep up the floor!
I got to...
wipe up the windows!
What's this called?
a rag!
These clothes are clean
True! / False!