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Past simple wh-questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The dog chased its tail in the backyard. (what)
What did the dog chase in the backyard?
The students studied for the test last week. (what)
What did the students do last week?
John and Emily visited their grandparents over the weekend. (who)
Who did John and Emily visit over the weekend?
The cat slept on the couch all day. (where)
Where did the cat sleep all day?
Mary bought a new dress yesterday. (what)
What did Mary buy yesterday?
Li watched a film last night. (what)
What did Li watch last night?
We went to the beach on Saturday. (where)
Where did we go on Saturday?
She ate an apple for breakfast. (what)
What did she eat for breakfast?
They visited the British Library last week. (when)
When did they visit the British Library?
He played football yesterday. (who)
Who played football yesterday?
The residents liked the new skate park. (what)
What did the residents like?
He put his headphones on to listen to music (why)
Why did he put on his headphones?
Tourists came to the island by boat (how)
How did the tourists come to the island?
You lost your portable charger last week. (when)
When did you lose your portable charger?
I took a photo of you to keep memories (why)
Why did you take a photo?
The flood destroyed my house. (what)
What did the flood destroy?
My sisters visited an abandoned town with their parents (who)
Who did my sisters visit an abandoned town with?
At the weekend we went to the bowling alley (where)
Where did you go at the weekend?
They saw a lot of fish at the aquarium (what)
What did they see at the aquarium?
She went to the swimming pool to learn how to swim (why)
Why did she go to the swimming pool?
He left his car in the car park. (where)
Where did he leave his car?
I skated on the ice rink with my friends. (who)
Who did you skate with?
I went to school by bus on Monday (how)
How did you go to school?
He visited a museum yesterday (when)
When did he visit a museum?