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History 43 The Khazarian Empire

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Describe the process of how Khagan Bulan decided to convert the Khazarians to Judaism.
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What's this Khagan's name? What's he famous for?
Bulan; converting the Khazarian Empire to Judaism.
Name these three religions. What do they have in common?
1) Judaism, 2) Christianity, 3) Islam; the three "Abrahamic" or Monotheistic Faiths/Religions.
Name these three Turkic/Khazarian titles and their English equivalents.
1) Tarkhan = general, 2) Khagan Bek = king, 3) Khagan = King of kings
Name four of these six longest rivers in Europe.
1) Rhine, 2) Danube, 3) Don, 4) Volga, 5) Dnieper, 6) Ural.
What is the name of the major trade routes connecting the far east with western Europe? Why is it called that?
The Silk Road; silk was the main commodity exported by China and sought after by westerners.
What's this yellow region called? Tell us one fact about it.
The Pontic / Eurasian Steppe; home to nomads, grasslands, etc.
Name both seas in the circles and the mountain range represented by the line.
Black & Caspian Seas; the Caucasus mountains.
Name two of these three people groups. What do they all have in common?
Parthians, Avars, Huns; nomadic peoples of the Pontic/Eurasian Steppe.
Choose an empire/kingdom from the map and tell us three facts about it.
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