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Fruit & Veg Quiz!

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What fruit is orange, fuzzy, and is known for its sweet and juicy taste?
This fruit is a small, red berry and is often used to make pies and desserts. What is it?
This tropical fruit has a tough, green outer shell and a creamy white flesh with black seeds. What is it?
Which vegetable is a type of cabbage, has layers of leaves, and is used to make coleslaw?
This vegetable is a favorite of Popeye the Sailor Man and is known for making you strong. What is it?
What vegetable is red, round, and can be eaten raw or used to make spaghetti sauce?
This vegetable is similar to a large white carrot and is commonly used in stews and soups. What is it?
Which vegetable is green, slender, and often served as a side dish with butter and seasoning?
What vegetable is known for its layers and is often used in casseroles and gratins?
This vegetable is small, round, and often used to make pickles. What is it?
What green, leafy vegetable is a common ingredient in salads and is known for being a good source of iron?
Which vegetable is long and orange, and often associated with good eyesight?
What fruit is known for its distinct smell, yellow color, and unique taste, and is commonly used to make smoothies?
This fruit is bright red, often used in pies and jams, and is also known as a symbol of love. What is it?
Which fruit is used to make guacamole and is creamy when ripe?
This fruit is a large, green berry with a rough exterior and soft, sweet, and green interior. What is it?
What tropical fruit has a pink flesh and black seeds and is often eaten with a spoon?
Dragon fruit
This fruit is orange, has segments, and is a popular snack during winter holidays. What is it?
Which fruit is known for being "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"?
This fruit is often called the "king of fruits" and has a thorny outer shell. What is it?
Which fruit is small, round, and comes in many colors like red, green, and purple?
What tropical fruit has a green and spiky outer skin, and a sweet and juicy yellow interior?
This juicy, red fruit is often associated with summertime and is the main ingredient in ketchup. What is it?
Which fruit is yellow, curved, and known for being a good source of potassium?