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B7 - Strangest Animals

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What characteristics distinguish reptiles from the other classes?
They may live in land or in the water, they breathe through their lungs, they lay eggs on land, they have scales.
What characteristics distinguish fish from the other classes?
They have gill to extract oxygen from the water, they are ectothermic animals, they lay eggs and have scales.
Give 02 examples of invertebrate animals.
What limbs to vertebrate animals use to move?
Legs, wings and fins.
When is an animal considered "viviparous"?
When they give birth to live young.
When is an animal considered "ovoviviparous"?
When they produce eggs with enclosing membranes that are hatched inside the mother's body.
When is an animal considered "oviparous"?
When they produce eggs that develop and hatch outside the mother's body.
What are the different types of skin covering?
Scales, feather or hair.
What characteristics distinguish amphibians from the other classes?
They live in or out of the water. They can breathe through their skin or lungs.
Whats the difference between endothermic and and ectothermic animals?
Endothermic animals have warm body temperatures. Ectothermic animals are cold-blooded.
How do vertebrate animals breathe?
By taking oxygen out of the air or water.
What differs vertebrate and invertebrate animals?
Vertebrate animals have a backbone.
Give 02 examples of amphibians.
Give 03 examples of reptiles.
Give 03 examples of mammals.
Give 03 examples of fish.
Give 03 examples of birds.
What are the 5 classes of vertebrate animals?
Reptiles, amphibians, mammals, fish and birds.