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Daily routines

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false: They often are help with housework
False! True answer: They ARE often help with hosework
True or False: We are often go to bed in the evening.
True or False: I have a breakfast usually at 8 o'clock
False! True answer: I USUALLY have a breakfast at 8 o'clock
True or False: I usually get up at 7 o'clock
What forms of the verb "TO BE" do you know?
How to correctly use Adverbs of frequency in sentences
Give a couple of examples with the word "Never"
Give a couple of examples with the word "Sometimes"
Give a couple of examples with the word "Often"
Give a couple of examples with the word "Usually."
 Frequency correctly
Usage: to say how often we do things, or how often things happen.
What are these pictures about?
It's about free time
Chat online
Play video games
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What are these pictures about?
It's about work and study
Help with housework
Do their homework
Have classes
What are these pictures about?
It's about travel
Get home
Go to school
What do you see in the picture? What is about this picture?
Have a breakfast / lunch/ dinner. It's about eat
What are these pictures about?
Start / finish the day
Name in a full sentence what's in the picture. And how often do you do it? ( use adwerbs: always/usually/often/sometimes/ never)
I usually Go to bed at 10 o'clock
Name in a full sentence what's in the picture. And how often do you do it? ( use adwerbs: always/usually/often/sometimes/ never)
I always wash my face
Name in a full sentence what's in the picture. And how often do you do it? ( use adwerbs: always/usually/often/sometimes/ never
I always brush my teeth
Name in a full sentence what's in the picture. And what time do you do it?
I ussualy get up at 6 o'clock