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Indefinite pronouns
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She doesn't want _______ (anybody / nobody) to help her.
She doesn't want ANYBODY to help her.
Did you go _______ (anywhere / nowhere) last weekend?
Did you go ANYWHERE last weekend?
______ (somebody / anybody / nobody) lives in that house. It's empty!
NOBODY lives in that house. It's empty!
I did ______ (anything / nothing) wrong! I just told her the truth and she got offended!
I did NOTHING wrong! I just told her the truth and she got offended!
She didn't bring ______ (anything/ nothing) for Laura's surprise party! Can you believe it?
She didn't bring ANYTHING for Laura's surprise party! Can you believe it?
I didn't go ______ (everywhere / anywhere / nowhere) this weekend. I stayed at home.
I didn't go ANYWHERE this weekend. I stayed at home.
Does ______ (everyone / anyone / nobody) have a phone charger?
Does ANYONE have a phone charger?
She told _______ (Someone / Everyone / Nobody) that she bought a new car. She told all the people in the building!
She told EVERYONE that she bought a new car. She told all the people in the building!
Help! _________ (Someone / Anyone / Nobody) stole my wallet!
Help! SOMEONE stole my wallet!