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2 SUPERIOR - Remedial Work

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Look! I think that's a lion over there. (MIGHT) ---> Look! I think that __________ a lion over there.
might be
My dad was very good at sport when he was young. (USED) ---> My dad __________ at sport when he was young.
used to be very good
It isn't possible that Jo stole the money. (CAN'T) ---> Jo _________ the money.
can't have stolen
I'm happy to help you. (MIND) ---> I _____ you.
don't mind helping
You can't force teenagers to work hard at school. (MAKE) ---> You __________ hard at school.
can't make teenagers work
I broke my leg on Monday, so I couldn't go to Alex's birthday party the following day. (HAD) ---> I couldn't go to Alex's party because I _____ my leg the day before.
had broken
I started studying French three years ago. (FOR) ---> I __________ three years.
have been studying French for
Tom left the party and then we arrived. (WHEN) ---> Tom __________ we arrived.
had already left when
My parents say I can't go out with my friends during the week. (ALLOW) ---> My parents won't __________ with my friends during the week.
allow me to go out
I hate waiting in queues! (STAND) ----> _______________ in queues.
I can't stand waiting
I can't help FEELING / TO FEEL upset when I see animals in the zoo.
I'm afraid Tom isn't here. He MUST LEAVE / MUST HAVE LEFT / MUST LEFT early today.
must have left
I can only speak a little German. I __________ (NOT / STUDY) it for very long.
haven't been studying
I _____ (MEET) Greg a few times, but I don't know him very well.
have met
My experience of climbing was so frightening that it really PUT / TOOK me off the sport.
Do you ever fall OFF / OUT with your friends?
I look ____ to my older brother because he's generous and brave.
The s_____ cheered when he scored a goal.
I prefer S_____ S_____ shirts because they keep my arms cool.
Jenna is a truly C_____ E_____ designer, creating clothes unlike anything people have seen before.
Jo's B__________ C__________ clothes reflect her big personality. She loves wearing red and yellow.