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Gerunds and infinitives

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They learn _____ English very quickly. (speak)
to speak
He worries about _______ mistakes. (make)
We really need _______ very soon. (go)
to go
Do you mind _____ late? (work)
I would love ______ to the party. (come)
to come
I hope _____ you soon. (see)
to see
If you're tired, I don't mind _______ in tonight. (stay)
I remember _______ my first job interview. I was so nervous! (have)
I gave up _________ basketball when I went to university. (play)
I went to the supermarket _____ some bread. (buy)
to buy
Tim really enjoys _________ in a team. (work)
They promised _______ me at the end of the month. (pay)
to pay
He isn't very good at _______ decisions. (make)
It's difficult _______ a good job these days. (find)
to find
Did you remember ______ another loaf of bread? (buy)
to buy
Don't you remember _______ that film last year? (see)
We're not allowed _____ in the library. (eat)
to eat
Your football boots need _______ before the match tomorrow. (clean)
I forgot ________ the milk when I was at the shops. (get)
to get
You could try ________ it off and on again, that might help. (switch)
My brother offered ________ me move house. (help)
to help
He suggested ________ by bus to save money. (go)