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british culture

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Who is this British sports person?
Lewis Hamilton
What is this food called?
A pork pie
English people drink more _____ per person than anybody else in the world.
Who owns all the swans in England and Wales?
The King
Who is this British singer?
Harry Styles
Who is this British singer?
Ed Sheeran
What is the name of this British band?
The Spice Girls
What is the metro called in London?
The underground
Name 3 cities / towns in the UK.
What animal is the most popular pet in the UK?
What flag is this?
Flag of England
What is the name of the national flag of the United Kingdom?
the Union Jack
What's this?
Big Ben
What job does Sherlock Holmes have?
He's a detective
Who is this famous English character?
Mr. Bean
Who is the famous English hero who steals money from the rich and gives it to the poor?
Robin Hood
Is it Tower of London?
No, it's Piccadilly Circus
Who is the famous English writer?
William Shakespeare
Who is the monarch of England and Britain?
King Charles III
What is the British word for 'cookie'?
What food is included in a 'cream tea'?
Pot of tea, scones, jam, clotted cream
What is this popular British food?
Fish and chips
Who is this famous British singer/ band
Freddie Mercury/ Queen
Who lives in the Buckingham Palace?
The Royal Family/the King
What is this?
Who is the author of Harry Potter?
J.K. Rowling
What sport is this?
What is the unit of currency in the UK?
the pound
What colour are most London buses?
What is the capital of Great Britain?