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Inter 2 - unscramble words

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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millions of / was / by / audience / attended / the concert
The concert was attended by millions of audience.
What / here? / they / been / have / doing
What have they been doing here?
weekend /.I / going / am / friend / visit / to / my / this
I am going to visit my friend this weekend.
going / is / for / she / the job? / to apply
Is she going to apply for the job?
Are / going / class? / to join / you / the dance
Are you going to join the dance class?
are / this year. / We / not / travel / going to / abroad
We are not going to travel abroad this year.
you / all day? / this assignment / been / Haven't / working on
Haven't you been working on this assignment all day?
They / working on / lately./ been / haven't / the project
They haven't been working on the project lately.
many / tsunami / in Palu / damaged / by / were / houses
Many houses were damaged by tsunami in Palu.
me / the meeting / about / remind / please
Please remind me about the meeting.
it's / and / journey./ a fun / been / challenging
it's been a fun and challenging journey.
How long / been / the bus? / she / has / waiting for
How long has she been waiting for the bus?
her / won't / today / I / help
I won't help her today.
was / my brothers / interviewed / One of / by Ariel
One of my brothers was interviewed by Ariel.
been / has / two / hours / reading / she / for / ?
Has she been reading for two hours?