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Mindset 1_Unit 3_Listening+Speaking_Vocab Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Climbing to the top of the mountain was c__________, but it was worth it for the view.
I was a_____ by the beauty of the sunset
Being "shy, uncomfortable or ashamed, especially in a social situation" is to be e__________
T_______ means ​very excited and pleased
The children were f_________ by the stars and planets in the night sky.
E________ s_______ are the organizations that deal with accidents and urgent problems such as fire, illness, or crime
emergency services
The use of food science in developing, processing or preserving foods is called f___ t_________
food technology
B_______ e__________ is the activity of applying scientific knowledge to the building
building engineering
The t______ was made from 100% cotton
The fact of using computers is c________
A g______ d________ is someone who works in graphic design (= the designing of pictures and text for books, magazines, advertising, etc
graphic designer
​"The selling of goods to the public, usually through shops" is the definition of "r_____""
C___________ is the process or method of building or making something, especially roads, buildings, bridges, etc.
The wedding c_______ was wonderful, the food was terrific!