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present simple or present continuous?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They ............ (eat) chicken 3 times a week.
........ you .......... homework at the moment?
are - doing
They ......... (not/ walk) right now.
aren't walking
Be quiet! Amy and Max ............ (sleep)
are sleeping
Everyday I ........ (have) pho for breakfast. But today I ........ (eat) hamburger.
have - am eating
What ........ your mother often ......... for dinner? (cook)
does - cook
What housework ......... your sister ..........? (do)
does - do
We ................. history at the moment (not/study). We ........... literature essays. (read)
aren't studying - are reading
What ......... you usually ............. in the holiday? (do)
do - do
The servers usually ...... green uniforms. But today they ...... white uniforms. (wear)
wear - are wearing
Mr Jamie usually .......... us English, but today Ms Anne ............. us English. (teach)
teaches - is teaching
We .............. up early at the weekend. (not/get)
don't get
They .............. to the teacher right now! (not/ listen)
aren't listening
She ......... a lot in the evenings. (read)
she ........ her grandmother every Saturday. (call)
What ....... he ....... right now? (do)
is - doing
........ she ....... to school every day? (walk)
does - walk
I ......... cartoons every day. I .............. (not) the news. (watch)
watch - don't watch
She ........... an apple now. (eat)
is eating
I ......... basketball every Sunday. (play)