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Past perfect vs Simple past

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When she _______(ring) the office this morning, Tom ________(go) out.
rang / had gone
We ______(have) a good rest when our gests _________(all leave).
had / had left
They _______(lock) the door before I______(get) there.
had locked / got
I ______(ring) the shop as soon as I _______(check) the contents of the box.
rang / had checked
By the time I _______(arrive), the concert ________(finish).
arrived / had finished
I ________(clean) the carpet when the dog______(come) in and shook himself.
had just cleaned / came
He _________(promise) to do the job in an hour, but he still _______(finish) by 7 o’clock
Promised / had not finished
By the time we ________,(arrive) the football match______.(finish)
arrived / had finished
Before we __________(take) Bob to the theater, he _______(never see) a stage play before.
took / had never seen
After we_________ (discuss) it on the phone, I _______(write) him an email about it.
had discused / wrote