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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Billy, Michael and Harold (don't / doesn't) fly a kite
Billy, Michael and Harold don't fly a kite
We (don't / doesn't) fall off the stairs
We don't fall off the stairs
My dog Tokyo (don't / doesn't) bring the newspaper
My dog Tokyo doesn't bring the newspaper
Susan (don't / doesn't) drink hot chocolate
Susan doesn't drink hot chocolate
Andrea and I (don't / doesn't) eat ice cream
Andrea and I don't eat ice cream
Marta, Cecilio, and Arturo (don't / doesn't) go to the beach
Marta, Cecilio, and Arturo don't go to the beach
You (don't / doesn't) ride a bicycle
You don't ride a bicycle
Peter (don't / doesn't) make a swing
Peter doesn't make a swing
flowers (don't / doesn't) grow fast
flowers don't grow fast
They (don't / doesn't) plant flowers
They don't plant flowers
Alice (don't / doesn't) watch tv
Alice doesn't watch tv
Sara and Maria (don't / doesn't) build a tree house
Sara and Maria don't build a tree house
I (don't / doesn't) make apple pie
I don't make apple pie
Cadir (don't / doesn't) build a snowman
Cadir doesn't build a snowman