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Poetic Devices - Porphyria's Lover

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 56-60
Answer to include at least one: granted her wish, imagery, God
What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 52-55
Answer to include at least one: objectifying, delusional narrator, he feels that he has done her a favour
What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 43-51
Answer to include at least one: unreliable narrator, simile of a bee, no sin committed
What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 36-42
Answer to include at least one: punctuation (caesura), irony, repetition, matter of fact
What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 30-35
Answer to include at least one: punctuation, realisation, his decision to murder her
What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 26-29
Answer to include at least one: murmured, her actions, his lack of confidence in her
What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 21-25
Answer to include at least one: punctuation, foreshadowing, Porphyria's inability to be with him
What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 18-20
Answer to include at least one: repetition, her actions
What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 14-17
Answer to include at least one: punctuation, repetition, her actions
What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 10-13
Answer to include at least one: enjambment, the storm, her attitude
What poetic device is used here? What is the effect? Lines 5-9
Answer to include at least one: punctuation, Porphyria's effect on the narrator
What poetic effect is used here? What is the effect? Lines 1-4
Answer to include at least one: personification, pathetic fallacy, setting the tone