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On the roof

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The roof has lots of space to move around and ________ to music.
What the family does on the roof during parties?
Sit and talk, dance to music, eat dinner, have lots of guests for big meals
True or False: The family goes on the roof to play board games.
What do the stars look like from the roof?
bright and twinkle in the night sky
The family goes on the roof to _______ when it's warm.
True or False: The family hangs their laundry on the roof.
What activities do the family do on the roof?
See the city, watch people, hang laundry, have parties, play games, dance to music, eat dinner, sleep when it's warm, look at the stars
The roof has many places for people to sit and _______
True or False: The family has a yard.
What can the family see from their roof?
The George Washington Bridge
The apartment building is in a neighborhood called ___________.
True or False: The family lives in the big city of New York.