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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Number of spinal nerves
31 pairs
Number of cranial nerves
12 pairs
Name the fluid that is found between the cranium and brain
Cerebrospinal fluid
Which of the following options shows the mechanism of the travelling of sense in our body after our nose senses a smell? (a) Olfactory receptors → dendritic tip of a nerve cell → axon → nerve ending → release of the signal dendritic tip of
(a) Olfactory receptors → dendritic tip of a nerve cell → axon → nerve ending → release of the signal dendritic tip of another nerve cell
How will information travel within a neuron? (a) Dendrite -> cell body -> axon -> nerve ending (b) Dendrite -> axon -> cell body -> nerve ending (c) Axon -> dendrite -> cell body -> nerve ending (d) Axon -> cell body -> dendrite -> nerv
Dendrite -> cell body -> axon -> nerve ending
Which of the following option shows the order of events correctly when a bright light is focused on our eyes? (a) Bright light → receptors in eyes → sensory neuronàspinal cord → motor neurons → eyelid closes (b) Bright light → receptors i
Bright light → receptors in eyes → sensory neuron TO spinal cord → motor neurons → eyelid closes
Central nervous system consists of ……… and ……… .
brain, spinal cord
The nervous system uses ……… impulses to transmit messages.
Control and coordination are the functions of the nervous system and ……… in our body.
A microscopic gap between a pair of adjacent neurons over which nerve impulses pass is called
Which nerves transmit impulses from the central nervous system towards muscle cells?
Motor nerves