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Review ININ Test 2 - 2023

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I ___ (HAVE) a million dollars, I ______ (DONATE) money to those in need
If I HAD a million dollars, I WOULD DONATE money to those in need
If I ___ (SEE) Margot Robbie on the street, I ______ (ASK) her for an autograph or a selfie
If I SAW Margot Robbie on the street, I WOULD ASK her for an autograph or a selfie
We ______ (SHOULD TO / HAVE TO) study for the test. It's next week!
We HAVE TO study for the test. It's next week!
You _______ (MUSTN'T / DON'T NEED TO) buy milk. There's plenty on the fridge!
You DON'T NEED TO buy milk. There's plenty on the fridge!
I used to _______ (WATCH / WATCHED) cartoons when I was younger.
I used to WATCH cartoons when I was younger.
Did you _____ (USED TO / USE TO) play with dolls or action figures when you were a child?
Did you USE TO play with dolls or action figures when you were a child?
Artificial intelligence ______ (WILL / MIGHT) certainly change our lives.
Artificial intelligence WILL certainly change our lives.
I _____ (WILL / MIGHT) go to the party tonight, but I'm not sure.
I MIGHT go to the party tonight, but I'm not sure.
"You're doing a great job", she told me. -----She told me that ____________.
"You're doing a great job", she told me. -----She told me that I was doing a great job.
"Do you play soccer?", she asked. -----She asked me if ____________.
"Do you play soccer?", she asked. -----She asked me if I played soccer.
Sophia has been an English teacher _______ (SINCE/FOR) 2010.
Sophia has been an English teacher SINCE 2010.
I haven't seen my cousin Harry _______ (SINCE/FOR) years!
I haven't seen my cousin Harry FOR years!
She hasn't spoken English _______ (SINCE/FOR) her last vacation in the US.
She hasn't spoken English SINCE her last vacation in the US.