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Teens 4 review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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______ Ethan _______________? Yes, he is
Is / going to make flyers
What is Matt going to do?
He is going to raise money.
Sid and Liam _________ (play) guitar when Thom __________ (start) singing.
were playing / started
I _______________ (not look) when Zack _______________ (take) his picture.
wasn't looking / took
Jane _______________ (wait) for me when I _______________ (arrive) at home.
was waiting / arrived
The Theater is ____________________ the Internet Café and the Fifth Street Restaurant.
in front of
across from
The Art Museum is __________ the school
across from
Does Karen often have dinner with friends?
No, she has dinner with friends once in a while.
What does Karen do on Saturday afternoons?
She always goes running.
What does Karen do on Saturday mornings?
She has music cub.
She has the flu. _____________? (have ice cream). No, ____________.
Should she have ice cream / No, she shouldn't
I have a headache. I _________ use the computer.
should not
What is wrong with the boy?
He has a headache.
What is wrong with the woman?
She has the flu.
Is there any soda on the table?
Yes, there is a can of soda on the table.
-------------------? Yes, there is a sandwich on the table?
Is there a sandwich on the table?