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Strange Plants

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Some plants grow out of solid ________.
Can you name one strange plant mentioned in the text and describe something unique about it?
True or False: Some Australian orchids grow and flower above the ground.
Bamboo makes noise when it ________.
How do ant colonies use the spaces in the plant stem of ant plants?
Ant colonies use the spaces as houses for raising young ants and storing garbage.
True or False: Some cactus plants have wool-like hairs to protect them from the cold.
Stone plants or living stones live in very hot, ________ places.
What do some flowers, like the stapelia flower, smell like to attract insects?
Some flowers smell like rotting meat to attract insects.
The dodder plant is a ________ that steals food from other plants.
True or False: The sundew plant digests insects that get stuck on its sticky hairs.
The Venus flytrap catches its prey with its ________-like leaves.
True or False: Air plants take moisture from the air, not from the soil.