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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I ..........(have) a million dollars, I’d buy a recording studio.
If the ballet ........(be) cheaper, I’d buy a ticket.
If she practiced more often, she .............. be really good.
If you played an instrument, which one .......... you choose?
She’d sell more art if she .........(paint) local scenes.
If I ........... (write) a song, I’d write about you.
Everyone were very unhappy if it would rain the day of the concert.
Wrong. Everyone would be very unhappy if it rained the day of the concert.
If the show took place outdoor, more people could come.
If we buy a cheaper fridge, we would save some money.
Wrong -> if we bought
If you threw your guitar away, you would miss it later.
Many people ...........(take part in) the competition if the school ............(hold) it.
Many people would take part in the competition if the school held it.
If you ............(invited) Tracy to your birthday party, ............(come) she?
If you invited Tracy to your birthday party, would she come?
His parents ............(like) his song if he .............(play) it for them.
His parents would like his song if he played it for them.
If I .......(be) you, I .............(go) to that university.
If I were you, I would go to that university.
If she .........(have) a better idea, she ............(do) it.
If she had a better idea, she would do it.
If I ...........(knew) the answer to the question, I ..........(say) it.
If I knew the answer to the question, I would say it.