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Are You a Risk Taker?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you normally start revising for an exam in good time, or do you leave it until the last minute?
Any answer
Have you ever cheated in an exam? Were you worried about getting caught? Would you ever cheat in a very important exam?
Any answer
Would you take a job and move (with a two-year contract) to an English-speaking country, e.g. the US or the UK?
Any answer
Do you think you would hang out with someone you had met online?
Any answer
Would you go on holiday abroad on your own?
Any answer
If you are travelling somewhere, do you normally get to the station or airport with plenty of time or at the last minute?
Any answer
Do you/ your family normally take out insurance when you travel?
Any answer
Have you ever travelled somewhere without having booked somewhere to stay in advance?
Any answer
Would you ever buy a second-hand car or bike on chotot(or a similar website)?
Any answer
Do you buy clothes online? Are there any kinds of clothes you wouldn't buy online?
Any answer
Do you ever buy things online? Have you ever had a bad experience?
Any answer
Do you ride a motorbike (50cc e.g Honda cub/ E-bike) ? Do you ever go really fast and break the speed limit/rules?
Any answer
Do you normally cross the road at the traffic light or just anywhere?
Any answer
Do you walk by yourself at night or get grabs/ taxis?
Any answer
Do you cycle in your town or city? How safe do you feel?
Any answer
Do you have any habits that you know are not good for your health? Have you ever tried to give up the habits? Do you worry about them?
Any answer
Have you ever done something dramatically different to your appearance, e.g. had a very different hairstyle or hair colour or a piercing? How did you feel immediately afterwards? Did you regret it later?
Any answer
Would you do a parachute jump or a bungee jump for charity?
Any answer
Have you ever done any dangerous sports or activities? Did you enjoy them? Would you do them again?
Any answer