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Canada Fun Facts
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Donut is a national Canadian food. True/False
False. It's poutine. You'll find poutine on most Canadian menus, but its real home is in Quebec. The savory dish combines fries, cheese, and gravy.
License plates in the Canadian Northwest Territories are shaped like polar bears. True/False
Canada is home to the longest street in the world. True/False
True. Yonge Street in Ontario starts at Lake Ontario and runs for almost 2,000 km all the way to the Minnesota border.
"Lacrosse" is the name of Canadian food. True/False
False. It's a name of a sport.
“Canada” derives (taken) from the word “katana” which means “a sword”. True/False
False, It’s from “kanata”, an indigenous language, which means “a village”.
Canada's national animal is a beaver. True/False
Canada is the country with big population. True/False
False. Forests cover most of the country
There’s an apple leaf on the Canadian flag. True/False
False. It's not an apple leaf but a maple leaf.
Justin Bieber is a Canadian singer. True/False
True. Justin Bieber is a Canadian.
Toronto is the capital city of Canada. True/False
False. Toronto is one of big cities in Canada, but the Capital city of Canada is Ottawa.
Canada has a King. True/False
True, Canada has a King. It’s the same as the UK’s – Charles III. That’s because Canada is a member of the British Commonwealth.
Canada is the third largest country in the world. True/False
False. It's the second largest after .... this mother f*cking piece of shit starting with "r"