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Mythology 18 Perseus and Andromeda

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What was the most interesting thing you learned about in today's class? Why?
Cool, thanks for sharing. / Wow, do you really not know?
Name three family members of Perseus and how they're related to him.
Zeus (father), Danae (mother), Hercules (grandson), Acrisius (grandfather), Proetus (great uncle). Andromeda (wife), Cassiopeia (mother-in-law), etc.
What artifacts helped Perseus in his quests? Name three.
Sword, bag, winged sandals, shield (Aegis), Helm of Terror.
The most famous Greek demigod/mythological hero is the grandson of Perseus+Andromeda. What's his name?
Heracles (Hercules).
Name two places related to Perseus from our mythology map(s).
Argos, Mycenae, Seriphos, Garden of Hesperides, Ethiopia, Parthenon, etc.
What was the prophecy of the Oracle at Delphi? Did Perseus fulfill it? How?
He would kill his grandfather, King Acrisius; yes; accidentally with a discus at a Panhellenic game.
Identify both of these characters. How are they related to today's myth?
Poseidon and Ceto; sent to kill Andromeda.
What's this place? How's it related to today's myth?
The Garden of the Hesperides; Perseus' encounter with Atlas.
We learned about three constellations (or star clusters) in today's myth. Name one. How are they all related?
Cassiopeia, Kepheus, Andromeda; royal family of Ethiopia.
What is Xenia? How's it related to today's myth?
Greek laws of (obligatory) hospitality; Atlas (and also King Polydectes).
Who's this? What's a "Nereid"? How are they related to today's myth?
Thetis; daughters of Nereus, nymphs/water goddesses; meant to be the most beautiful females, even more so than Andromeda.
What's this? Where is it? To whom is it dedicated? How's it related to today's myth?
The Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, Attica, Greece; Athena; Danae sent there to safety.
Who's this? Tell us three facts about him, including how he's related to today's myth.