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The narrator said "I must give you some advices and safety tips before we go any further". what is wrong in this sentence?
what is a guide dog?
what are two animals allowed to be on the farm?
ducks and lambs
why visitors should not touch the tools?
sharp points/dangerous/accidents
the narrator said "don't frighten or .... the animal" what is the word synonymous with "harm" in the test?
The narrator said : "This open air museum gives you the experience of agriculture and rural life in the English countryside", what is the meaning of the word "experience" in this context? is it a singular of plural noun?
an event or activity that affects you in some way, plural
The man said the band will have a lot of equipment(s). Is "equipment" with "s" or not?
when does the woman need to contact the caretaker? A. a week in advance B. 10 days in advance C. both are correct D. both are incorrect (what is correct then)
Two good facilities in the kitchen mentioned by the agent?
(good quality) cookers and fridges
How many ways of paying the actual rent that are mentioned in the dialogue?
cash, credit card, cheque
what is the weekday price of the Main Hall?
what is the purpose of the dinner?
raise money for charity
How many people can the Charlton room accommodate?
when is the day of the event?
1st September