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What sweet spread is made from fruits, sugar, and pectin, and is commonly enjoyed on toast or as a filling in pastries?
What dairy product is known for its spreadable consistency and is often used as a topping for bread, crackers, or bagels?
What popular meat product is made from cured and smoked pork, usually sliced thin and used in sandwiches or breakfast dishes?
What frozen food item is typically round, flat, and topped with various ingredients like tomato sauce, cheese, and vegetables?
Frozen pizza
What pantry staple is made from ground, roasted coffee beans and is commonly used to brew a hot beverage?
Which versatile cooking ingredient is made from crushed olives and can be found in different varieties, such as extra virgin, virgin, or pure?
Olive oil
What frozen treat is made from milk or cream, and often comes in flavors like vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry?
Ice cream
Which popular breakfast item is made from ground wheat and comes in various shapes like flakes or loops?
What sweet, carbonated beverage is available in various flavors and comes in cans or bottles?
I have a rough skin, I'm yellow on the inside, and very juicy. Who am I?
I have a hard shell, I'm brown on the outside, and white on the inside. Who am I?
I am green, small, and I love being part of a refreshing lemonade. Who am I?
I am elongated, green, and many kids like to eat me with peanut butter. Who am I?
I am round, juicy, and red. I love being part of a fruit salad. Who am I?
neccesary on asiatic food and sushi
soy sauce
important condiment made off egg and oil, its white
Monkeys favorite food
seasoning taken from the cow
escential for a great hotdog made of tomatoe
mix this with milk for a perfect dinner
cocoa powder
important ingredient for a pizza
Eat this at your house but also at the cinema
Snack to páss time made of potatoes
potatoe chips
you go here when you need to buy food