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Module 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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On what pages should we create cases?
System page
What is an array?
Grouping of solar panels
What page is used to add new contacts on the customer's account?
Account page.
Can the customer be the immediate owner of a PPA?
No, they can buyout their system after the 5th anniversary and then after.
what is the customer paying for? Lease, PPA, LOAN?
lease- System, PPA- Production, Loan- System plus interest
what is the additional Payment?
Customer has the option to make the additional payment from month 1-18,if not additional payment the monthly payment increase.
Who takes over the Down payment of a Lease? LOAN? PPA?
LEASE- Tier 1, LOAN- Dealer, PPA- Tier 1
What is an Escalator?
Escalators allows the customer to save in the beginning of the contract, and then slightly increases annually.
What are the Escalator rates?
0.9%,1.9%,2.9% (3.9% Hi, Ca)
What is the ACH Discount for Lease?
What is the ACH Discount for a PPA?
How is the PGO calculated?
calculated at the end of the 3rd year and then annually
Services that have the PGO Benefit?
Lease and Loans (except HI & PR)