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Reading Chapter1

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Where did he buy the diary?
an old-fashioned shop in a poor part of the town.
What was Newspeak?
Newspeak, the new language of Oceania.
Who did he notice near the girl? Why was Winston interested in this man?
O'Brien. There was sometimes an intelligence in his face that suggested - perhaps - that he might question the official Party beliefs
Why did Winston dislike this woman?
The young women were always most loyal to the Party and were happiest to spy on others.
Why were all the workers to the center of the hall?
for the Two Minutes Hate
Why was nothing illegal?
as there were no laws now
What was the Ministry of Love — Miniluv responsible for?
for law and order.
Where did Winston work? What was his Ministry responsible for?
The Ministry of Truth was called Minitrue in Newspeak, where people worked mainly on news and entertainment.
Why did everybody behave correctly all the time?
because the Thought Police might be watching and listening