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An Eagle's Eye

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can we learn from the eagle?
To look up more, to enjoy the natural beauty of our earth.
What do they describe as 'a celebration of nature'?
They describe The Amazon Rainforest as 'a celebration of nature'.
What do they compare to needles in the hot, dry desert?
The compare cacti to needles.
What colour is the Aurora?
The Aurora is green and blue.
What's the first place in Europe that the Eagle visits?
Rome is the first place in Europe that the eagle visits.
What is hidden in the deserts of Jordan?
Tombs and monuments are hidden in the deserts of Jordan.
Where is the Caspian sea located?
The Caspian sea is located between Europe and Asia.
Which mountain is mentioned in the text and what's special about it?
Mount Everest; it's the highest mountain in the world
Why does the writer describe people as ants and the eagle as a dragon?
Because it helps to paint a more vivid picture for the reader.
What is the difference between the words shores and soars?
soars= fly or rise high in the air shores = the land along the edge of the sea/ body of water
Where in the world is the Great Barrier Reef located?
What do they say 'combines' in the text?
"The sky and the water meet; their colours combine."