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AS2 - Present simple or continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Present simple: We ___ (not have) a music lesson on Friday.
don't have
Present simple: They ___ (not do) gymnastics on Tuesday.
don't do
Present simple: It ____ (run) very fast everyday.
Present simple: She ____ (sing) very well.
Present simple: Ms. Tina _____ (wash) her hands.
Present simple: Where ____ she live?
Present simple: Bruce and Ben ________ (not do) homework everyday.
don't do
Present continuous: Are they singing?
No, they aren't
Present continuous: Is she skating?
No, she isn't
Present continuous: Is he doing karate?
Yes, he is
Present continuous: Hugo ……..………..…… (travel) by plane at the moment
is travelling
Present continuous: Look! My brothers ………….……..… (sit) on a beach.
are sitting
Present continuous: Look! Sally ………….………….. (wear) a black dress
is wearing
Present continuous: Anna ………………….… (teach) English now
is teaching
Present continuous: Listen! The kids ………….………. (sing) a song.
are singing