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Science Final Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this?
______ and _____ rest in caves. a) Snakes ; goats b) Bats ; bears c) Owls ; birds
b) Bats ; bears
You can feel a _______ in your wrist. a) blood b) diaphragm c) pulse
c) pulse
The way magnets push away from each other is called ______. a) repel b) attract c) attach
a) repel
Things made with ______ can last a long time because many kinds of them are hard. a) cotton b) rocks c) paper
b) rocks
Living things can get ______ from their habitat. a) water b) air c) water and air
c) water and air
An adult butterfly lays eggs on _______. a) rocks b) leaves c) flowers
b) leaves
You take oxygen from the air when you breathe and it winds up into your _______. a) lungs b) heart c) blood vessels
a) lungs
The young animal that looks like a worm is called a _____. a) pupa b) caterpillar c) butterfly
b) caterpillar
The puma hunts the sheep. The puma is a ______. a) predator b) prey c) producer
a) predator
A magnet attracts _______. a) glass b) iron c) a brass tack
b) iron
The bighorn sheep’s ______ help it to run on rocks. a) eyes b) legs c) hooves
c) hooves
_______ are the parts of food that your body uses to get energy and to grow. a) Water b) Nutrients c) Carbon dioxide
b) Nutrients
the main muscle used in breathing
droppings from bats
the breaking up of rocks
the part of your body that takes oxygen from the air
how a thing looks, feels, smells, tastes, or sounds
the carrying away of rocks and soil
tubes that carry blood
blood vessel
a deep place with steep hills on either side
a solid found in nature that is not a plant or an animal
the stretching of some blood vessels
an animal that hunts another animal for food
a place where a plant or an animal lives
a muscle that is at work all the time
to group things that are alike in some way
a waste gas made in your body
carbon dioxide