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3rd conditional and mixed

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am where I am today because you helped me. I _____(be) where I am today if you hadn't helped me.
wouldn't be
I feel fine because I took the medicine. If I _____ the medicine, I would still be in pain.
hadn't taken
If you ______ (take) dad's car without permission last night, you might be in trouble.
had taken
If you ____ (accept) that job, you would be miserable now.
had accepted
If I hadn't fought for our relationship, we ____ (be) together now.
wouldn't be
If they hadn’t been found by the helicopter, they could died in the mountains.
... could have died ...
If the truck hadn’t swerved, it wouldn’t hit the bus and injured so many people.
... wouldn't have hit ...
They mightn’t have bought tickets if they’d known the play was so dreadful.
If she would’ve been born in the nineteenth century, she wouldn’t have inherited her father’s money.
... had been born ...
If we’d know about the party, we might’ve gone.
... known ...
Mei-li was able to afford a new car because she had just won some money (could not)
She couldn't afford a new car if she hadn't just won ...
We were working together in Tokyo and now we're married. (would not)
If we hadn't been working together ... we wouldn't be married
The plant died because you didn't water it (would not)
If you had watered it, it would not have died
They stopped the fire. That's probably why it didn't destroy most of the building (could)
If they hadn't stopped the fire, it could have destroyed ...
Greg wasn't travelling fast. That's probably why he didn't hit the motorcyclist. (might)
If he had travelled fast, he'd have hit ...
Ludmila lost all her money on the stock market. That's why she's not rich now. (would)
If she hadn't lost ... , she would be rich ...
You didn't invite me to the party. That's why I didn't come. (would)
If you had invited ..., I would have come
Beth didn't study. She didn't pass the exam. (could)
If Beth had studied, she could have passed the exam.