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12. The pretty princess is looking at the firerce dragon.
pretty, fierce
11. He doesn't listen to his mother. He eats all of the biscuits.
listen, eats, mother, biscuits
1. A pretty rabbit is crying.
2. The children are drinking a cold drink.
children, drink
3. He has a furry cat and a colourful duck.
furry, colourful
4. A fat crocodile is swimming in the pool.
5. My brother is eating a tasty apple.
brother, apple
6. She sleeps on a big bed.
7. I put a small cup on the table
cup, table
8. Helen is singing a beautiful song.
singing, beautiful, song, Helen
9. A tall monkey drives a red car.
tall, red
10. A green dog runs in the park.
dog, park