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Accidents, Jokes and Nasty Deeds

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mike and Gabe play a trick on their friend. They hide his schoolbag so he cannot find it. Their friend gets really upset, and Mike and Gabe immediately get the bag and say sorry.
Olive tells Marcus a lie that her Dad is sick. Marcus believes her and feels really sad. Olive does not tell Marcus the truth and continues to lie.
Nasty Deed
Kelly and her friend Jesse always call each other by a nickname. When Kelly gets to school, she shouts "Hey Jesso" at Jesse. Jesse says "I don't like that name! Don't call me that." Kelly says sorry and doesn't use the name again.
Paulina decides that she wants to play a trick on her mum. She hides in the house and when her mum comes looking for her, she doesn't say anything. Her mum starts yelling and becoming upset because she cannot find her. Paulina keeps hiding.
Nasty Deed
Tate wants to impress the other kids in his class. He makes a joke about another boy who is often playing alone. The other kids laugh, but the boy looks sad. Tate keeps making the joke.
Nasty Deed
Indiana decides to make a card for her best friend. In the card she writes "you are a stinky poo." Her friend reads the card and bursts out laughing.
Carly tells her friend that her new jumper is a "funky colour" and she means it as a compliment. Her friend gets really upset and takes the jumper off. Carly aplogises.
Joey and Marcus decide to scare Joey's little brother. They sneak up on him and yell, making him scream and cry.
Nasty Deed
Paul and Jack decide to prank James to make a funny video. They know that this will make James upset but also want to get likes on their YouTube channel.
Nasty Deed
Alex and Ben like to troll each other. Alex sends Ben a message to a link which takes him to a funny website. Alex thinks this is really funny.
Darcy is playing with his friends at recess. Another boy comes to join, and says "hey stupid, throw me the ball". His friends all laugh but Darcy is sad.
Nasty Deed
Michael plays a trick on James by stealing his pencil. Michael knows it will make James angry, but does it anyway because it is funny.
Nasty Deed
Lily tells a joke about a cat and a dog. Her friends all laugh.
Frank almost falls over when he is walking up the steps to the classroom. Ned says "hey Fred, did you have a nice trip?" and they both laugh.
Larry tell's Jenny her haircut makes her look like a monster. Jenny looks upset. Larry apologises.