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Anger Management

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your friend has been feeling very angry lately. What advice could you give them about how to manage their anger?
My advice is…
Share a personal experience where you did not handle your anger properly. What were the consequences of your actions? How could you respond differently next time?
Your friend shares a secret you told them in confidence. How would you handle the situation positively?
I would…
A classmate makes a joke about your appearance, causing you to feel hurt. What might be the reason why they may want to make fun of others?
They might feel…
Your classmate snaps at you during a group project. Instead of getting defensive, what might they be feeling in the moment?
They might feel…
Your parent cancels a fun outing due to unexpected work commitments. Instead of feeling upset, consider their viewpoint: What emotions might they be experiencing when they have to cancel plans with you?
They might feel…
Your sibling gets the last slice of pizza without saving any for you. Instead of feeling angry, consider their perspective: What might they be feeling or thinking that led them to take the last slice?
They might feel…
A classmate is struggling with a difficult home situation, and they seem distant. Instead of getting upset about their behavior, how can you offer your friendship and support?
I could…
You notice a new student feeling overwhelmed and lonely during lunchtime. Instead of ignoring them, how can you include them in your group?
I could…
Your teacher gives you constructive feedback on your project. Instead of feeling defensive, how can you appreciate their input and learn from it?
I can..
How do you handle anger when feeling misunderstood by friends or family?
When I am misunderstood…
Show us an example of the 4-4-6 deep breathing technique
Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds.
Why is it essential to take responsibility for our actions and reactions when dealing with anger?
Our actions….
Share a personal experience where using an anger management strategy helped you handle a challenging situation effectively.
What are the consequences of uncontrolled anger on your mental and physical health?
Uncontrolled anger can…
What role does communication play in anger management? How can effective communication help prevent conflicts?
Communication helps…
Name three relaxation techniques that can help you calm down when feeling angry.
Deep breathing, meditation, music, art, dancing, writing
What are 2 common physical or emotional signs that indicate you are feeling angry?
Crying, heart beating fast, feeling hot, shutting down, etc.
You’re waiting in a long line at a popular amusement park ride. The person in front of you lets 5 people in line. How would you manage your impatience?
I would…
A friend cancels plans at the last minute without a valid reason. Tell 1 healthy and 1 unhealthy response to the situation.
1 healthy response is… 1 unhealthy response is…
Your parents ask you to help with household chores when you’re busy with schoolwork. How do you manage your frustration?
I would…
You receive criticism on social media from someone you don’t know, targeting your appearance. Tell 1 healthy and 1 unhealthy response to the situation.
1 healthy response is… 1 unhealthy response is…
Your parents set a curfew that you think is too early. How do you express your disagreement without getting into a heated argument?
I would…
You didn’t make the sports team you were hoping to join. How do you cope with disappointment and avoid letting anger affect your self-esteem?
I would…
You have an argument with a close friend, and they say hurtful things. Tell 1 healthy and 1 unhealthy response to the situation.
1 healthy response is… 1 unhealthy response is…
Your sibling keeps borrowing your belongings without asking, and it makes you angry. Tell 1 healthy and 1 unhealthy response to the situation.
1 healthy response is… 1 unhealthy response is…
Your friend unintentionally humiliates you in front of a group. Tell 1 healthy and 1 unhealthy response to the situation.
1 healthy response is… 1 unhealthy response is…
You receive a lower grade on a test than you expected, even though you studied hard. Tell 1 healthy and 1 unhealthy response to the situation.
1 healthy response is… 1 unhealthy response is…
You witness someone bullying your friend. Tell 1 healthy and 1 unhealthy response to the situation.
1 healthy response is… 1 unhealthy response is…
You overhear someone spreading rumors about you at school. Tell 1 healthy and 1 unhealthy response to the situation.
1 healthy response is… 1 unhealthy response is…
List 3 other emotions that may cause you to feel angry
3 emotions…
List 3 things that may trigger you
3 things that trigger me are…
What is an anger trigger?
An anger trigger is something that causes you to be angry.
What is one UNHEALTHY way to manage your anger?
Hit someone, yell, break something
What is one HEALTHY way to manage your anger?
Walk away, tell someone, journal…
What is anger?
Anger is…