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Describing a city

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a (large) place where sports are played.
a very large building that has many stores and usually a food court
shopping mall
a place where meals are prepared and served to customers.
a place where people can buy stamps and mail letters or parcels.
post office
an outdoor area where children can play on swings, a slide, or other equipment.
a place where you can buy medicine and other health items.
pharmacy / drugstore
a place where you can leave your car for a period of time, usually when you go shopping
parking lot / car park
an area of public land in a city that contains an area of grass where you can rest, play or walk your dog.
a place where people can see many historical objects to learn about the past as well as other items of cultural interest.
a quiet place where you can read books or borrow books.
a place where you pay for a room to sleep in when you visit another city.
the place you go when you have an accident, need an operation or when someone is going to have a baby.
a place where you can buy tools and things you need for construction or home improvement.
hardware store
a place where people go to get a haircut or have their hair changed in some way
hairdresser’s / hair salon
a place where you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables.
the place you go to put gas (petrol) into your car or other vehicle
gas station / petrol station
a place where you can see old and new paintings as well as other works of art such as sculptures.
(art) gallery
a place where you can buy flowers and sometimes house plants.
florist’s (shop)
a place where food is served quickly. Typically you can buy burgers, chicken, or fries at a fast food restaurant. You can eat your meal there or take it away
fast food restaurant
the place where people go to take care of or fix a problem with their teeth.
dentist / dentist’s
a place where you can see the latest movies. Many people eat popcorn while they watch the movie.
cinema / movie theater
a place you can buy a cup of coffee or tea and cakes or sandwiches. You normally sit down at a table to have these.
cafe / café
a place that sells fresh meat such as steak and sausages.
the place you go when you want to travel by bus to another place, usually another city.
bus station
a place where you can buy books and magazines.
a place where people deposit or withdraw (take out) money.
a place where you can buy fresh bread, sandwiches and cakes.
a large outdoor area where people can go on rides such as roller coasters and enjoy other entertainment.
amusement park
the place you go when you want to travel by plane to another city or country
a road that has trees on both sides of it
tree-lined roads
so many cars and so close that they are almost touching each other
bumper-to-bumper traffic
shops for people with expensive taste
upmarket shops
buildings that are old and attractive in an old-fashioned way
quaint old buildings
the general appearance of natural surroundings that is impressive and dramatic
spectacular scenery
a special day or period, usually in memory of a religious event, with its own social activities that bring a sense of liveliness and happiness
lively festivals
It is a cuisine based on the traditions of cooking and serving dishes typical of the culture of different nationalities and local communities
local cuisine
the local people you meet who are friendly
friendly inhabitants
an area where the natural environment or the buildings are protected by law from being damaged or changed
conservation area