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Zeynep Elif's Food Game

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 foods from Turkey
kebab, meat balls, rice with chickpeas, spinach pie, yoghurt...
Name 6 foods you can put in a sandwich
bread, cheese, tomatoes, peppers, meat, tuna, mayonnaise...
Name 3 dishes from Italy
spaghetti, pizza, pasta, tiramisu, lasagna, espresso...
Name 3 dishes from the USA
burgers, hotdogs, bagel, apple pie, marshmallow...
Name 3 dishes from India
curry, naan, masala, biryani, tandoori chicken ...
Name 5 dishes that have meat
burgers, barbecue, pizza, kebab, burrito, grilled chicken ...
Name 6 foods you can put in a salad
tomatoes, sweetcorn, peppers, cucumbers, olives, avocado...
Name 4 kinds of seafood
tuna, prawns, lobster, octopus, fish ...
Name 3 dishes from Japan
sushi, ramen, noodles, miso soup, onigiri ...
Name 5 desserts
candy, cake, muffin, cupcake, tiramisu, cheesecake, ice cream...
Name 4 foods that start with B
broccoli, banana, burger, beans, baklava...
Name 5 green foods
broccoli, cucumbers, apples, peppers, pears, lettuce, beans, grapes...