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Unit 8. What's for lunch

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This food is very cold and you can eat it from a bowl. What's it?
ice cream
He has got .............. apple. (a/an/some)
Complete "a/an/some". I've got.............. chocolate.
Complete "a/an/some". I've got.................lemonade.
"A cup of tea" mean...............................?
một tách trà
"A bottle of water" mean........................?
má»™t chai nÆ°á»›c
" A glass of orange juice" mean....................?
một cốc nước ép cam
"A bowl of soup" mean............?
một bát soup
what does "a plate" mean?
cái đĩa
You can buy water or juice in this. It isn't a cup or a glass. What is this?
It's a bottle
This is a hot drink, but it isn't tea. People often put milk in it. What is it?
It's coffee
This vegetable is long and orange. You can eat it in salads. What is this?
It's a carrot
You make this with bread and you can put cheese, meat or salad in it. What is it?
It's a sandwich
What is this?
What is this called?