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SKE4 - U5: L4 Grammar
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He ____ 2 brown _____. - He ______ have a ______ nose.
He HAS 2 brown ARMS/ EARS/ LEGS. - He DOESN'T have a RED/ WHITE/ BROWN nose.
She ____ 2 blue _____. - She______ ______ 2 green hands.
She HAS 2 blue EYES. - She DOESN'T HAVE 2 green hands.
He ____ a red _____. - He _____ have 2 blue _____.
He HAS a red NOSE. - He DOESN'T have 2 blue EARS.
Panda ____ a white _____.- He doesn't ______ 2 ______ arms.
He HAS a white HEAD.- He doesn't HAVE 2 WHITE arms.
He ____ 4 orange ______. - He ______ have a pink nose.
He HAS 4 orange LEGS. - He DOESN'T have pink nose.
He ___ a purple ____. - He doesn't _____ 2 orange ears.
He HAS purple FACE. - He doesn't HAVE red orange ears.
She _____ 2 green ______. - She _____ have 2 red eyes.
She HAS green EYES. - She DOESN'T have red eyes.
She has _____ and ______ hair. - She ______ have red nose.
She has BLACK and ORANGE hair. - She DOESN'T have blue nose.
He ____ yellow _____. - He doesn't ______ brown hair.
He HAS yellow HAIR. - He doesn't HAVE brown hair.
He has ______ and ______ hair. - He doesn't _____ 2 grey _____.
He has BLACK and BLUE hair. - He doesn't HAVE 2 grey EYES.