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GE 7_Unit 7_Lesson 7.9_Vocab Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To a______ is to speak or write to someone
What is the definition of "(to) clutch"?
to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry, or pain
"To give freedom or free movement to someone or something" is to r______
What is this construction called? P____ p____
power plant
Shall I g___ a little black pepper over your salad?
What is the definition of "(to) pump"?
to make liquid or gas move in a particular direction
To s___ is to go down below the surface of the water
To r______ is to show the image of somebody/something on the surface of something such as a mirror, water or glass
A g______ is an officer of very high rank, especially in the army
What is "the front line of a war between two armies"? B_____f____
What is the definition of "hostile"? V___ u_________
very unfriendly
What is the top of a container that you can take off called? A l__
a lid
What is a "nail"?
a thin piece of metal with a sharp end used to join pieces of wood together
What is the definition of "trading center"?
a place where people buy and sell things
What is this toy called? P__w____
(To) s___ is to turn around quickly
What is this part called? B____
What is this structure called? W___m___
What is "a book about a person's life, written by that person"? A___b________