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write this number in digits and words : 300000 + 2000 + 6 + 0.03 +0.009
302006.039 - Three hundred and two thousand six point zero three nine
What number is 1000 times smaller than 94.002
168.073 × 10000
4.7 ÷ 1000
What is the place value for digit 3 in 99.573
3 thousandths
Read the number : 7.045
seven point zero four five
Is 4 a whole number? Answer yes or no
Place value of digit 9 in 461.59
9 Hundredths
Place Value of digit 8 in number 81536.02 is
8 ten thousands
Compose the number : 1000 + 100000+ 200 + 40+ 7 + 0.03 + 0.006
Decompose the number 70154.2561
70000 +  100+50+4+0.2+0.05+0.006 +0.0001
How many decimal places does the number 23.812 have?