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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He hasn't eaten _____ 10 in the morning.
He hasn't eaten since 10 in the morning.
My cousins have learnt Russian ____ three years.
My cousins have learnt Russian for three years.
I have known her ____ a long time
I have known her for a long time
They have been at the hotel _______ last Tuesday.
They have been at the hotel since last Tuesday.
I had lived in New York _____ my childhood.
I had lived in New York since my childhood.
Alice has been married ______2nd of March.
Alice has been married since 2nd of March.
We have lived here _____ 20 years.
We have lived here for 20 years.
I've been travelling _______ 2017.
I've been travelling since 2017.
I worked at that bank _____ five years.
I worked at that bank for five years.
He has been here _____ 9 in the morning.
He has been here since 9 in the morning.
He has been living in Paris ____ three months.
He has been living in Paris for three months.
They study ______ two hours every day.
They study for two hours every day.