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Online safety challenge

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You are playing an online game and someone keeps destroying everything you build. They also send you cruel messages. What do you do?
Report them to the game moderators and block them from the game.
What is the digital footprint?
The information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity.
You download a file from an unreliable website, which ends up infecting your computer with a virus malware. What is the solution?
Install an antivirus software and only download files from trusted sources and reputable websites.
How can we create a strong and safe password?
Minimum of 8 characters, combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, special characters and avoiding common words
You are talking with someone on social media. They want to meet in person. What do you do?
It's very important that you never agree to get together with someone you "meet" online without first checking with an adult.They can be grooming you.
You see a classmate cyberbulling someone on social media. What do you do?
Tell your friend to stop, that what he/she is doing is not right, and if it doesn't stop, you report it to parents and teachers.
I'm visiting a site from a company or organization that I've heard of. They want my name and phone number so I can enter a contest. Is it OK to enter?
If a legitimate company wants to collect information from children -- even to enter you in a contest -- they must first get your parents permission. This not on
I have a digital picture of myself and someone I met online asks to see it. Is it OK to send it to that person?
You should NEVER send a picture of yourself to someone you met online, without first checking with a trusted adult.
Should you click on this link?
No, it is a phising scam.
I'm online and I meet someone my age in a chat room. Is it OK to give him or her my address or phone number so we can get together?
You should NEVER give out your name or address to anyone you meet online.
Online hate is posting and sharing hateful content against an individual, group or community. Can you say examples of this?
Send hurtful messages, cyberbullying, create fake accounts, not reporting bad attitudes...