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SKE8 - Grammar U12

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When my young brother _____ little, he _____ silly and naughty. Now, he ______ smart.
was - was - is
Before,/ Now,/ is/ old/ it/ was/ new/ my toy.
Before, my toy was new. Now, it is old.
When my old cousin ____ little, he _______ kind. He ______ naughty.
was - wasn't (was not) - was
Before dinner, my young sister ____ loud because she _____ hungry. Now, she _____ quiet.
was - was - is
Now, / is/ clean/ he/ Before his bath/ wasn't/ clean/ he.
Before his bath, he wasn't clean. Now, he is clean.
When/ wasn't/ ,I/ loud./ little/ was/ I/ quiet./ was/ I
When I was little, I wasn't loud. I was quiet.
Before, I _____ a big child. Now, I ____ a big child.
wasn't (was not) - am
Before, this story _____ scary. Now, it _____ anymore. It ______ silly.
was - isn't (is not) - is
Before, my dad ____ kind. Now, he ____ so scary.
was - is
When my little brother ____ young, he ____ loud. Now, he ____ quiet.
was - was - is
When I was young, I _____ a naughty boy. Now, I _____ anymore.
was - am not
Before I take a shower, I _____ dirty because I played soccer with my friends. Now, I ____ clean.
was - am